Necci Hotels was born as a modern management company able to manage hotels of any size on its own behalf or for a third; at the same time the company offers the market high management and business consulting services in every field of hotel sector.
Roberto Necci CEO of Necci Hotels is an entrepreneur and hotel manager with extensive experience in corporate restructuring, management of complex and with a solid financial and economic background.
President Federalberghi Study Center Roma, Vice President Federalberghi Rome, Past President Ada Lazio Association of Hotel Directors, Past President of SKAL International Rome.
Introduced to Italian and international economic community and participant to various Italian and European think tanks, he is also the advisor of the world's leading consulting company for which he has overseen more than 50 projects of mergers, restructuring, business plan analysis of hotel companies and tourism organizations on behalf of banks and investment funds.
Graduate in Italian Hotellerie School and degree in economics and management of tourism business with a thesis in the forms of financing the hotel business from ordinary credit to merchant banking.